vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration

VMware is doing great work to consolidate many of the new cloud-centric technologies and solutions with the on-premises versions and bringing these features and interfaces to a unified stance. The new vRealize Automation 8 is a great example of this work that is coming to fruition. VMware has brought the same codebase and features that are found in the vRealize Automation Cloud solution since the beginning of 2019 down to the now realized, vRealize Automation 8 product that sports a bold new look and workflow all the way around the beautiful new HTML 5 interface. I was super anxious to get this up and running in the lab environment. Finally, I got the opportunity to put the solution into the lab. Let’s take a look at the vRealize Automation 8 Installation and Configuration and take a look at the new installation experience with VRA 8.

New vRealize Automation 8 Easy Installer from ISO

If you are familiar with installing the latest VMware vCenter Server appliances in your virtual environment, you will note the new “Easy Installer” from VMware to get the vRealize Automation 8 appliance installed is very familiar. In fact, it sports the exact same look and feel as the vCenter Server installation, Upgrade, Migration process. So, VI admins are going to feel right at home with the installation process with the so-called easy installer.
Simply mount the extracted ISO for your vRealize Automation 8 installation package. Then run <drive letter>:\vrlcm-ui-installer\win32\installer.exe file for the easy installer.
Launching-the-vRealize-Automation-8-Easy-Installer vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Launching the vRealize Automation 8 Easy Installer

vRealize Automation 8 Architecture and VM Layout

Let’s talk briefly about the architecture of vRealize Automation 8. It has been completely overhauled underneath the hood. Now it runs on top of a totally “microservices” architecture that is all contained inside a Photon OS platform. Kubernetes runs the microservices containers that run the pieces and parts of VRA 8.
vRealize-Automation-8-microservices-architecture vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
vRealize Automation 8 microservices architecture
When you install the solution from the Easy Installer, you will be installing the following three VMs:
  • VMware vRealize Lifecycle Manager
  • VMware Identity Manager
  • vRealize Automation 8
Layout-of-VMs-with-vRealize-Automation-8-with-the-Easy-installer vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Layout of VMs with vRealize Automation 8 with the Easy installer
If you want a high-availability solution with VRA 8, you can install a cluster of three VMs with vRealize Automation 8.
High-availability-VM-layout-with-vRealize-Automation-8 vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
High-availability VM layout with vRealize Automation 8

vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration

Let’s look at the the actual vRealize Automation 8 install and configuration to get a feel for what the process using the Easy Install from the ISO looks like.
After you launch the executable referenced above, you will see the very familiar looking installer (vCenter Server installation). There are two options:
  • Install
  • Migrate
Here, I am choosing the Install option since I am installing a brand new instance.
Launch-the-vRealize-Automation-8-Easy-Installer vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Launch the vRealize Automation 8 Easy Installer
This launches the wizard of the Easy Installer. First, you will see the Introduction page that gives good descriptions of the components being installed including vRealize Automation, vRealize Lifecycle Manager, and VMware Identity Manager.
Introduction-screen-on-the-Easy-Installer-for-vRealize-Automation-8 vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Introduction screen on the Easy Installer for vRealize Automation 8
As with all installers, accept the EULA presented.
Accept-the-EULA-for-vRealize-Automation-8 vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Accept the EULA for vRealize Automation 8
Next, configure the vSphere environment you want to use to install the appliances into, whether this is your management cluster or another resource cluster.
Configure-the-appliance-deployment-target-for-vRealize-Automation-8 vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Configure the appliance deployment target for vRealize Automation 8
Accept the certificate warning presented from your vCenter Server if this isn’t trusted.
Accept-the-vCenter-Server-certificate-presented vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Accept the vCenter Server certificate presented
Select the location (folder) to place your appliances during the installation.
Select-your-vCenter-Folder-you-want-to-place-the-appliances-in vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Select your vCenter Folder you want to place the appliances in
Select your compute resource.
Select-your-compute-resource-for-the-VRA-8-appliances vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Select your compute resource for the VRA 8 appliances
Select storage. You can select your datastore as well as whether you want to use the Enable thin disk mode option.
Select-your-storage-location-including-datastoreand-disk-format vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Select your storage location including datastore and disk format

Network configuration involves selecting your port group, IP assignment method, gateway, subnet, DNS, domain name, and NTP.
Set-your-network-configuration-for-the-VRA-8-installation vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Set your network configuration for the VRA 8 installation
Configure the admin password that will be set on all appliances.
Configure-the-password-for-the-deployed-appliances vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Configure the password for the deployed appliances
Lifecycle Manager Configuration – name your VM, set the IP address and hostname.
Lifecycle-Manager-VM-configuration vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Lifecycle Manager VM configuration
Identity Manager Configuration – Select whether you want to install new or import existing VMware Identity Manager, VM name, IP address, hostname, default configuration admin, and also you can set the option to Sync Group Members with Active Directory automatically.
Identity-Manager-configuration vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Identity Manager configuration
vRealize Automation Configuration – Provide the license key, VM name, IP address, and hostname.
vRealize-Automation-8-Configuration vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
vRealize Automation 8 Configuration
Now, you are ready to review the summary of your configuration choices and then hit Submit when you are ready to begin the installation.
Submit-the-configuration-and-begin-the-vRealize-Automation-8-installation vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Submit the configuration and begin the vRealize Automation 8 installation
The Installation Process window will progress as the installer works its way through the process.
Installation-of-the-various-appliances-with-vRealize-Automation-8-with-Easy-Install-begins vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Installation of the various appliances with vRealize Automation 8 with Easy Install begins
After a while, you should see all the “dots” turn green and the installation finishes.
Installation-of-the-Lifecycle-Manager-Identity-Manager-and-vRealize-Automation-8-finishes-successfully vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Installation of the Lifecycle Manager Identity Manager and vRealize Automation 8 finishes successfully
If you navigate to your new vRealize Automation 8 page in a browser which is just your host name for the URL, you should see the prompt to navigate to the Login Page. From here you can begin configuring your appliance.
Navigate-to-your-vRealize-Automation-8-page-and-begin-the-configuration vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
Navigate to your vRealize Automation 8 page and begin the configuration
vRealize-Automation-8-viewed-from-VMware-Lifecycle-Manager vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
vRealize Automation 8 viewed from VMware Lifecycle Manager

Wrapping Up

The vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration is made very easy by the new Easy Install process via the ISO installer. In no time at all, I was able to get the three appliances deployed – VMware Lifecycle Manager, Identity Manager, and vRealize Automation 8. Stay tuned for further articles using VRA 8 in the home lab for various projects.

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