Backup fails if restore of a snapshot is in progress

A backup which starts after the virtual machine has been reverted to some snapshot from the vSphere Client, fails with the following message:
Error caused by file /vmfs/volumes/55708983-391f41a1-eaa8-00224db1d33b/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision.vmdk', faultCause = <unset>, faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [], file = '/vmfs/volumes/55708983-391f41a1-eaa8-00224db1d33b/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision.vmdk' }
The log files are created at /var/log/Phoenix
You must disable and enable CBT on the associated virtual machines to resolve this issue. 
1. Login to the backup proxy.
2. Disable the CBT of virtual machine using vmcontrol utility.
3. Enable the CBT of virtual machine using vmcontrol utility.
Note: This utility deletes all the snapshots in the virtual machine.

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