Web Log Software

Web log software is software that simplifies the creation and maintenance of Web logs, or blogs. Web log software provides an easy way to display contents on the Web by providing users with a template for posting content to a blog without having to work directly with HTML or CSS coding.Web log software is also referred to as blogging software, blog software or simply blog ware.
Web log software applications are designed for content management. They support editing, authoring and publishing blogs and comments. They use a number of functions for moderating posts and comments, managing images, etc. Most Web log software applications can be downloaded and installed on user systems, although some versions are provided under open-source license agreements such as WordPress.

One of the important features of Web log software is online maintenance, which is performed through a browser-based interface (often called a dashboard), which allows users to create and update the contents of their blogs from any online browser. This software also supports the use of external client software to update content using an application programming interface. Web log software commonly includes plugins and other features that allow automatic content generation via RSS or other types of online feeds.
The format supported by Web log software generally follows the following structure:

  • Title
  • Body
  • Permalink
  • Post date
Blog entries may also contain comments, featured images, hyperlinks, trackbacks and categories/tags.

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