Hadoop Ecosystem

The Hadoop ecosystem refers to the various components of the Apache Hadoop software library, as well as to the accessories and tools provided by the Apache Software Foundation for these types of software projects, and to the ways that they work together.
Hadoop is a Java-based framework that is extremely popular for handling and analyzing large sets of data.

Both the core Hadoop package and its accessories are mostly open-source projects licensed by Apache. The idea of a Hadoop ecosystem involves the use of different parts of the core Hadoop set such as MapReduce, a framework for handling vast amounts of data, and the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), a sophisticated file-handling system. There is also YARN, a Hadoop resource manager.
In addition to these core elements of Hadoop, Apache has also delivered other kinds of accessories or complementary tools for developers. These include Apache Hive, a data analysis tool; Apache Spark, a general engine for processing big data; Apache Pig, a data flow language; HBase, a database tool; and also Ambarl, which can be considered as a Hadoop ecosystem manager, as it helps to administer the use of these various Apache resources together. With Hadoop becoming the de facto standard for data collection and becoming ubiquitous in many organizations, managers and development leaders are learning all about the Hadoop ecosystem and what kinds of things are involved in a general Hadoop setup.

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