Dynamic Smart Cooling

Dynamic Smart Cooling is a technology used to monitor power and cooling in data centers. Dynamic Smart Cooling uses a feedback-based control system to provide hot spot control to facility managers.

Dynamic Smart Cooling uses sensors that are placed throughout a facility, such as in computer racks, to provide feedback to a central server. System software indicates hot spot locations and increases/decreases cooling as needed.

The purpose of Dynamic Smart Cooling is improved power and cooling efficiency with reduced energy costs. This is similar to the widely-used feedback-based control systems used in manufacturing.

In November 2006, Hewlett-Packard (HP) introduced and applied the Dynamic Smart Cooling technology in six new data centers. HP hoped this technology would bridge the gap between IT and building facility management.

One of the many examples of Dynamic Smart Cooling is Trinity Health’s data center in the U.S., which began in the spring of 2010 via a feedback-based system with strategically placed sensors for enhanced facility efficiency monitoring.

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