Devolutions Password Hub Review

Today’s business-critical systems sprawl and cover not only on-premises environments but also those in cloud as well as hybrid cloud. Your organization no doubt has countless systems and services located across your technology landscape that require the use of passwords for authenticating. As systems are added, changed, and as passwords age, it can become a monumental effort to keep up with passwords required for IT operations management. Especially if there are several team members, managing passwords, as simple as it sounds, can become extremely challenging. I want to introduce you to a great password management solution that you may not have heard about as of yet made by Devolutions. Devolutions has a whole collection of great products that many already know about such as Remote Desktop Connection Manager. Their new password management solution is called Password Hub and features many great benefits. Let’s take a look at Devolutions Password Hub Review and see the capabilities of this solution.

Devolutions Password Hub Overview

As your business grows and spins up and utilizes various types of systems and services, usernames and passwords can accumulate exponentially. Data leak threats have never been higher and compliance requirements are critically important. Organizsations need to control and monitor access to privileged information.

Finding the right balance between productivity and security can be difficult without the right tools. Having an efficient and secure way to manage your passwords is critically important. This is where Devolutions Password Hub comes into play.

To begin with, let’s take a look at the features and functionality of Devolutions Password Hub. What is it and how does it work? Password Hub is a secure and cloud-based password manager for teams. It provides a secure vault that allows storing business-user passwords and other sensitive information.

All of this can be access via your web browser as you would expect. However, there is an installable application for Password Hub as well that allows you to interact with your secure vault using a “fat client”.

Devolutions Password Hub provides a password management solution for teams and businesses. It provides the following features and functionality:

  • Safely Access passwords from anywhere (cloud-based)
  • Easy one-click web login
  • Securely share passwords
  • Ability to generate strong passwords
  • Great for business users
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Allows easy management for IT admins
  • Cross-platform capabilities

Another feature I really like about Password Hub is that each user in the business environment has their own Private Vault that allows them to store credentials only they have access to. According to Devolutions:

“Private Vault – Each user is provided their very own
private vault, which is a user-specific compartment
that stores business user credentials and passwords
only they can access. Admins can monitor password
reuse and regulate data in a shared vault without
compromising the privacy of the private vault. It also
helps increase security by consolidating credentials
in Password Hub instead of having business users rely
on less secure tools to manage their personal
passwords at work.”

System Requirements of Password Hub

AS far as requirements, there are a few to mention including the following browsers and platforms for the application:

Web Interface

  • Google
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Edge

Desktop Applications

  • Windows 7 or later
  • macOS Yosemite 10.10 or later
  • Ubuntu Linux 12.04 or later
  • Fedora 21
  • Debian 8

Mobile applications

  • Android Marshmallow
  • IOS 10

Password Hub Security Specifications

Security is obviously going to be on anyone’s mind when it comes to a cloud password management solution. What are the underlying security specifications of the solution?

Where is it hosted?

  • Microsoft Azure that is found in the region the user selects when creating

Data Protection

  • Protected with Microsoft Vault technology with RSA 4096
  • Additiional layer of encryption for data at rest using Microsoft Transparent Data Encryption technology

Data transmission

  • Data in transit over TLS

Authentication Methods

  • Devolutions account username and password
  • OAuth2 via JWS, with OpenID support

Two-factor authentication

  • On devolutions account via push on mobile using devolutions authenticator
  • Supported Authenticator apps include devolutions authenticator, Google authenticator, Microsoft authenticator, and Authy
  • Email and SMS for OT codes as well

Access Control

  • Role-based permissions on shared vaults
  • Per user private vault


  • Activity logs
  • Logs and history per entry
  • Administration logs


  • SOC2 Type-II

Devolutions Password Hub Review

In working with the solution for a number of months now, I really have enjoyed the experience. It works very well with modern browsers I have tried and the full-blown Password Hub app works well also and provides the exact same user experience.

To provide the seamless “auto-fill” capabilities with the solution, there is a web extension that is available in the Chrome store (used Chrome during the time with the product) that allows filling the web form information from your Password Hub vaults.

After you install the extension, it prompts you to login into your Devolutions Password Hub account.

Devolutions-Web-Login-provides-autofill-functionality-form-your-Password-Hub-vault Devolutions Password Hub Review
Devolutions Web Login provides autofill functionality form your Password Hub vault

With the Devolutions Web login plugin installed, each website that you enter credentials for, you will automatically be prompted to save the credentials in your Password Hub account. Then, when you revisit them, you will see the little icon to the right of the form field that allows you to choose those credentials.

Autofill-options-in-a-fillable-web-form-with-Password-Hub Devolutions Password Hub Review
Autofill options in a fillable web form with Password Hub

Below, I have clicked the Password Hub icon in the form field and it pops open the entries that look to be associated with this domain.

Viewing-your-password-entries-for-the-site Devolutions Password Hub Review
Viewing your password entries for the site

With the extension, you also have easy access to a Password Generator provided by Password Hub. You can click the icon in your browser and choose the Password Generator option and it will generate a password right from the extension.

Password-generator-built-into-the-Password-Hub-Chrome-extension Devolutions Password Hub Review
Password generator built into the Password Hub Chrome extension

Launching the full-blown Password Hub application for managing your account. You first login to your Devolutions account.

Logging-into-the-full-client-app Devolutions Password Hub Review
Logging into the full client app

Then, you will need to login to your Password Vault with your master key.

Authenticating-to-your-vault-in-Password-Hub Devolutions Password Hub Review
Authenticating to your vault in Password Hub

What kinds of information can Password Hub store? Well, it stores many different kinds of sensitive information types beyond passwords. A few of these include:

  • Alarm codes
  • Bank accounts
  • Contacts
  • Credit Cards
  • Driver’s License numbers
  • Email accounts
  • Memberships
  • Passports
  • Social Security Numbers
  • …many more
Password-Hub-allows-storing-all-kinds-of-different-sensitive-information-types-not-just-passwords Devolutions Password Hub Review
Password Hub allows storing all kinds of different sensitive information types not just passwords

Under the Administration area of the application, you can manage your configuration for Password Hub including:

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Vaults
  • System Permissions
  • System Settings
  • Password Templates
Managing-your-users-groups-vaults-and-system-permissions-in-Devolutions-Password-Hub Devolutions Password Hub Review
Managing your users groups vaults and system permissions in Devolutions Password Hub

From an auditing perspective, Password Hub contains many great tools that allow you to see various activities in the Password Hub and gain visibility for various auditing purposes.

Password-Hub-contains-full-auditing-tools-for-monitoring-your-environment Devolutions Password Hub Review
Password Hub contains full auditing tools for monitoring your environment

You can view the permissions on your Vault by editing Vault. There are built in roles including:

  • Readers
  • Operators
  • Contributors
  • Managers
  • Custom

You can also get granular within each role for each user to specific explicitly what they can do.

Viewing-permissions-on-a-vault-in-Password-Hub Devolutions Password Hub Review
Viewing permissions on a vault in Password Hub

Overall Thoughts

Hopefully this Devolutions Password Hub Review will help to shed light and give visibility to this great little tool. I really like Devolutions Password Hub. Again I have been using it for some months now. I haven’t had any issues with the workflow provided by the browser plugin. It is easy to use and the fillable form functionality works as you would expect. The only need I have for the full-blown app is for easier administration functionality.

Roles and permissions are easy to assign and users get access to their own Private vault for storing their own information. It also allows storing many types of information beyond passwords. Also, the auditing tools are really strong.

In support of the COVID-19 pandemic to help businesses cope and have the tools they need in the meantime, Devolutions is now offering an extended trial version of Password Hub.

The full trial version is good for 90-days! Check out their official blog post here

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