In SSL, the word socket refers to the mechanism of transferring data between a client and server over a network.
When using SSL for secure Internet transactions, a Web server needs an SSL certificate to establish a secure SSL connection. SSL encrypts network connection segments above the transport layer, which is a network connection component above the program layer.
SSL follows an asymmetric cryptographic mechanism, in which a Web browser creates a public key and a private (secret) key. The public key is placed in a data file known as a certificate signing request (CSR). The private key is issued to the recipient only.
The objectives of SSL are:
- Data integrity: Data is protected from tampering.
- Data privacy: Data privacy is ensured through a series of protocols, including the SSL Record Protocol, SSL Handshake Protocol, SSL Change CipherSpec Protocol and SSL Alert Protocol.
- Client-server authentication: The SSL protocol uses standard cryptographic techniques to authenticate the client and server.
SSL is the predecessor of Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is a cryptographic protocol for secure Internet data transmission.