DirectAccess – Installation – Configuration in Windows Server 2016/2019

On the Windows Server dedicated to DirectAccess, from the Server Manager launch the Role Installation Wizard by clicking Add Roles and Features 1.

Server manager

When launching the wizard, click Next 1.

Wizard role install

Select Role Based Installation or 1 Functionality and click Next 2.

Install type

Choose server 1 and click Next 2.

Select the server for the DirectAccess installation

Check the Remote Access 1 role then click the Next 2 button.

Check Remote Access

Skip the features by clicking Next 1.

Skip features

A summary of the Remote Access role is displayed, click Next 1.

Overview Remote Access

Check the box DirectAccess and VPN (remote access) 1.

Select DirectAccess and VPN

Click Add Features 1 to install the dependencies required for the DirectAccess and VPN roles.

Dependencies for DirectAccess

The box is checked, click Next 1.

DirectAccess checked

Pass the IIS role summary by clicking Next 1.

IIS Overview

Click Next 1 again to switch to the IIS role services.

IIS services

Click on Install 1.

Start install DirectAccess

Wait while installing DirectAccess …

DirectAccess being installed

The installation completed, exit the wizard by clicking Close 1.

DirectAccess installed

Now the remote access role is installed, we will move to the DirectAccess configuration.

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