In the first installment in this series, I showed you how to install the software that is required for creating a custom Windows deployment image, as well as how to create a deployment share. Now it's time to add your Windows installation files to that deployment share.
To add the operating system files to the deployment share, expand the Deployment Shares container, followed by the container corresponding to the deployment share that you created. You should see a container called Operating Systems. Right-click on the Operating Systems container and choose the New Folder command from the shortcut menu. When prompted, enter a folder name that corresponds to the Windows installation that you will be adding. In my case, I will call the folder Windows 10 Enterprise X64.
Now, right-click on the folder that you just created and choose the Import Operating System command from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 1. When prompted, provide the path to the operating system files that you want to include in the deployment image.