Backup and restore Fails for virtual machines that have special characters in its names.

Backup and restore will fail with an Internal error if the virtual machine name has the following special characters.
  • Hash  ("#")
  • Left Curly Brace ("{") 
  • Right Curly Brace ("}") 
  • Vertical Bar/Pipe ("|") 
  • Backslash ("\") 
  • Caret ("^") 
  • Tilde ("~") 
  • Left Square Bracket ("[") 
  • Right Square Bracket ("]") 
  • Grave Accent ("`") 
  • Forward slash/Virgule ("/") 
  • Left Bracket ("(") 
  • Right Bracket (")"
Do not add the above listed special characters to the virtual machine name. 

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