Software as a Service Enterprise Resource Planning (SaaS ERP)

Software as a Service Enterprise Resource Planning (SaaS ERP) is a specific type of resource provided by a vendor that supports remote hosting for business IT services. SaaS provides software resources over the Web or other distributed network, whereas ERP refers to various types of software that facilitate business process documentation.

SaaS ERP is also known as Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (Cloud ERP).

SaaS ERPs perform a variety of services to many different kinds of organizations. Some services deal with payroll and other personnel handling processes for virtual HR department support. Others offer cloud hosted accounting/other types of quantitative business analysis, inventory management/control and greater supply chain analysis. Inventory and supply chain ERP can help businesses avoid wasting resources on excess inventory and prevent stored material depletion, to streamline productivity.

Other SaaS ERPs involve detailed analyses and automation for a range of business processes. In manufacturing, physical assembly floor processes can be linked to all of other ERP elements to provide comprehensive cloud/Web hosted services. In businesses that do not rely on physical production, other SaaS ERPs may be built to analyze service protocols or anything that supports consistent business processes. Offering all of this over a large-scale or distributed network allows for secure storage and remote viewing, where clients can access data from any remote location - not just a company's physical office.

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